Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Less than six weeks!

I looked at the calendar this weekend and realized, less than six weeks! It's coming up quicker than I thought. After a couple of years of talking about an adoption, it's hard to believe that it is really getting closer. Once we change the calendar to May, (which will be in two days) I think then I will really start to get excited! At the same time, I have a list of things that I would like to get done, and am wondering how in the world will we get all ready? So, I am going to begin my LIST. I love lists--- because you can cross things off and see progress--. I think my list will go something like this: check on immunizations, packing list, kid list, room by room list, etc...

I've wanted to do a major de-clutter, spring cleaning type of thing for, about two years now. As some of you know, events usually bring upon old projects to get finished, "I've always wanted to...", and then new projects develop on top of the unfinished ones. So, that being said, our neighborhood has a garage sale each spring and I have yet to participate. I have only ever had one, about 12 years ago. But, this is the year! It will be in two weekends, so that gives me two weeks to do the de-clutter that I've been wanting to do for two years. I've got stuff piled in my garage. I can't even park in there anymore. I told Zenon yesterday that I will be glad to park inside it again. Then, I have this bright idea to turn it into my Ukranian Trip Garage Sale. So, I've invited friends who want to donate to it to bring their treasures over and add to our sale. So, if you would like to pray for us--pray for our Ukranian Trip Garage Sale.

Some people have asked, where will you put who you are adopting? Translation: where will they sleep? Alex and Addie have bunk beds in their rooms, and have been waiting to share them. We had a guest room which has been used infrequently--due to family members living close by. So, we decided to turn the guest room into a play room. This would take toys out of the bedrooms and allow us room to but in dressers. (Add dressers to my LIST) So, after we emptied the room I decided to paint it. Yes, off I went to the hardware store looking for a blue or green. I found a "mistake" gallon of paint-just the blue I liked and came home and began painting. We finished it that night. I think I might add the playroom to my LIST, just so I can check it off!! So, we officially have a new playroom and the kids love it.

I decided to work outside this last weekend in the yard. Putting on fertilizer, pulling weeds, realizing how much work it really does need. The weather was not too hot, just about perfect for being outside. Then, last night--I looked outside, it was snowing! There is still some snow on the ground this morning--and it's supposed to be in the 70s on Thursday.

If there is something that I need to add to my LIST, just let me know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am so excited for your growing family! make sure to place "update blog" on your list so we can see where you are at! :)

ethan and erin

Ukranian Orphans