Monday, May 19, 2008

Ukranian Trip Garage Sale

PRAISE THE LORD!! The Garage sale was beyond what I had imagined. We were able to bring in enough money for two plane tickets!! My heart is so overwhelmed at the amount of donations that came to my house. I have some really great friends who donated, made signs, helped price and organize, and fed us. Also, a big thank you to my mom who helped me at the sale both days. The rainy weather that was foredcast didn't come and the Lord heard our prayers for good weather. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for this weekend-- the skies were clear, the sun was shining, and the temperature was in the 70s. The weather was just perfect! We had people standing at the garage door looking in while we took all the items out to display them. I advertised for 7am on Fri. morning, and people came consistently from 6:30am-4:30pm and the Saturday began the same steady stream of people coming.

I displayed a BIG sign "Ukrainian Adoption Fundraiser" on the driveway. I was able to have a dozen or so conversations with people who have adopted internationally, from Ukraine, Russia, Korea, and China. The encouragement we received from people was great. With the unknown looming over us and only 17 days left, it was nice to be encouraged. Needless to say, both Sat. and Sun. were exhausting and I literally crashed those nights.

We still have some financial needs, so I continue to ask for prayers that all we need will be provided for in the next few weeks.

Thank You to my friends who helped here and to all of you who have prayed for us. We have truly been blessed by all of you.



Carrie Comstock said...

What wonderful news!!! Praise the Lord for such a great turnout and wonderful weather. Continuing to pray for you as you all prepare for the next steps. :)

Bartolo said...

What a blessing! May God continue to bless you as you enlarge your family and provide the opportunity for Ukranian childre to grow up in a Christian home. We are excited about meeting the new members.

Dawn said...


Ken and Joy said...

I just came across your blog, and I am so excited for you! My husband and I are going back to Ukraine to adopt to girl's (our son's sisters), and we are also doing yard sales to raise money! It is such a great idea, and well worth it! Good luck with everything.


ArtworkByRuth said...

Congratulations, found your blog today! You are traveling at a nice time of year for Ukraine! We were there the end of July until mid September last year and hope to return again sometime this fall for our second! Let us know if you need anything!

Susan & Truman said...

I ran across your blog the other day - you are leaving so soon!! How wonderful!

Ukranian Orphans