Friday, May 30, 2008

6 More Days!

We will be leaving for Ukraine one week from today. Wow, it doesn't seem possible that the time is upon us! I am just about done with "the LIST"!! Just the kitchen cabinets to spring clean, and then some flowers to plant out side. Today I am going to run some random errands and finish up what I've wanted to get done here at home. We have some birthday parties this weekend, and beginning on Monday, I will start filling suitcases!! Usually on vacations we do forget something, and I've always said as we pull out of the driveway, "There's always a WalMart". But, in this case, I don't think I'll be able to say that! So, I've got a pretty extensive packing list that I'll begin on Monday. I'm getting more and more excited to meet our children---I can't wait to see who God puts into our family.

I'm looking forward to experiencing Ukraine. We would like to be able to do as much sight seeing as possible. On the days that we are waiting, we would like to explore as much as possible. We are looking forward to embracing this experience.

We are so thankful for the prayers and financial support. Thank you so much to all of you who are participating with us. We have seen God's hand as we prepare to go.
I would ask for prayer that I don't get all freaked out next week with the last minute preparation.

Enjoy your weekend!


Zack, Jenn and William said...

Congrats on your upcoming trip! We had our appointment at the SDA on Nov 7, and came home from Ukraine Dec 3rd with our amazing son(just turned 6 this past Saturday).

I pray that God blesses your journey and leads you to your children quickly & easily.


The Flying Eagle said...

How exciting!!!!!! I have been keeping a list of what other bloggers have said to pack (and not pack). Feel free to email me at and I can send you a copy. I agree about the stress around the shopping without a Wally world around! Plus knowing that we can not even read the labels or boxes in a store we find! We wish you and your family a safe trip and many blessings!!! Do you know anyone else traveling at the same time you are? Monica & David

Ukranian Orphans